Automatic dotnet format in RiderIf you want to automatically format your code according to .editorconfig rules you can run dotnet format. If you don’t want to integrate…Feb 26Feb 26
Creating Roslyn AnalyzersIt’s surprisingly easy to harness dotnet’s metaprogramming capabilities, since the compiler has been made available as a service. Teams can…Feb 11Feb 11
Speeding up entity framework migrations in integration testsImportant addendumOct 22, 2024Oct 22, 2024
Override DbContext in integration testsRecently I wanted to test what would happen in a scheduled background job when we received an update concurrently from the API. The…Feb 13, 2024Feb 13, 2024
Add nuget packages to every projectSometimes you want a package added to every dotnet project. One example might be static analysers that protect you from misusing…Jan 11, 2024Jan 11, 2024
Countdown numbers roundIn case you’re not familiar with Countdown, it’s a gameshow where two contests compete against each other in 30-second rounds. The rounds…Apr 15, 2023Apr 15, 2023
BigQuery array concatenation to stringI often need to turn an array of numbers in BigQuery to a comma-separated string, but keep forgetting how to so I’m writing it down once…Mar 30, 2023Mar 30, 2023
History is written by the victors…… and is rewritten by developers using git!Nov 16, 2022Nov 16, 2022
Generating unique values in FsCheckFsCheck is handy for generating pseudo-random values whilst testing, but one thing that’s not particularly intuitive is how to generate…Sep 15, 2022Sep 15, 2022
Taking control of flagger canary podsAs part of continuous deployment you want to be assured that a new release won’t break anything when it’s deployed. To that end you can use…Aug 27, 2022Aug 27, 2022